I’ve been using Debian as my primary work environment for a few months now and Trisquel at home for the past year and a half or so. My advocacy work has changed as a result, and I stopped focusing on Ubuntu, while still recommending version 12.04 LTS that just works for many. There’s also Ubuntu Gnome (or is it Gnome Ubuntu) now, so there is still a good array of choices for those like me that like the GNOME 3 environment and find it productive. Oh, did I mention Cinnamon 1.8 was just released?
I am happy to announce that there is now a Debian Quebec group, and we just got our mailing list approved in the Debian project. This was not as fast an easy as in Ubuntu-land, and I took the time to fully document the process to get the mailing list going, in case others may want to do the same. It may all seem too slow or difficult, but every step of the way several people helped and I learned a lot. I took this as an opportunity to contribute to the project and at the same time I found that it may be hard for new GNU/Linux users to get started in Debian – or even for experienced ones like me, coming from Ubuntu.
That’s why after a few IRC messages I started working on a Welcome to Debian resource (and team) aimed at people that use other distributions and come to Debian for the first time. It’s still very new and incomplete, but it’s what I wished was around when I started dedicating serious time to this distribution a few months ago.
As luck would have it, Debian 7 was just around the corner, just a few days/weeks after Ubuntu 13.04 and Trisquel 6 were released. This called for an all-distributions Debian 7 release party (we’ll have two locations, Montreal and Quebec City). There will be workshops and presentations from 12:30 to 5:30 PM and then a happy hour with CLibre and Libre Planet. Check the Agenda du Libre if you’re in Montreal this week (or any time soon), perhaps we can cross paths.
I’ve recently been involved in a project with a customer to set up their development team to use LiveCode on Debian workstations. If you haven’t heard about LiveCode, they recently had 3,342 backers pledge £493,795 of the initial £350,000 goal on Kickstarter. That’s quite an accomplishment! I am not involved in the development part of this project, only in providing infrastructure support and services.
Since we needed to start working on documentation and I already work with other colleagues via IRC, I thought it would be useful to start a wiki space and IRC channel, and other resources via the dedicated resources provided by the Free Software Foundation in addition to upcoming resources that may be provided by RunRev, the creators of LiveCode.
The goal here is to collaborate with the community and help RunRev in this initial transition to open sourcing LiveCode, while offloading some of the self support to the FSF infrastructure (via LibrePlanet which is their community portal/resource).
It looks like many people are already using LiveCode on Ubuntu, judging by the many screenshots in existing tutorials and guides. I hope other Debian derivatives benefit from this and perhaps even other distributions.
I am really sad to see so much energy spent by the community criticizing Canonical and on Canonical’s side, trying to explain and justify so many decisions and actions.
My main concern is all this energy being directed where it doesn’t stand a chance to make a difference, as we know all the rocket pieces are being discarded. I invite you to consider focusing on other projects that need people like you:
Start a LibrePlanet group in your area. This is very much like a LoCo Team, except its focus is on 100% free open source software. This is sponsored by the Free Software Foundation and staffed with professional, responsive, full-time system administrators. I started LibrePlanet Québec right about when I stepped down from Ubuntu Québec. They also have a mission statement and a code of conduct which will feel familiar to any Ubuntu community contributor/member.. This also means it’s inclusive of Ubuntu users in your area.
Trisquel – an Ubuntu derivative focused on removing all non-free software while remaining as close to Ubuntu as possible. There is a lot of work remaining to achieve this. Trisquel 6 which is essentially Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, is just around the corner. I learned a lot when I started using Trisquel primarily instead of Ubuntu, about a year ago. Ubuntu help, documentation, PPAs and resources apply directly, and the community is very friendly and detail-oriented. Ethics and philosophy are valued as much and sometimes more than technical criteria when providing help.
Debian – Where it all begun 🙂 I am using this as my primary OS now. Debian is working with the FSF to be recognized as 100% free as per FSF’s guidelines. There are rough edges which I recognize as opportunities to contribute, for example the lack of language-selector-gnome. It’s taking me some time to adjust to the project’s resources but I even re-organized Debian Quebec and requested a mailing list (since approved), and got a very warm welcome from friends and colleagues using it in my area. I guess I miss my LoCo action and excitement, I hope to put my experience in this area to good use in Debian. There are even talks about forming a Welcome Committee for Ubuntu expats there.
There are many more out there, but I wanted to share my path after my past Ubuntu involvement. If you’re on IRC, come join #ubuntu-expats on OFTC, perhaps we can come up with other ideas. Perhaps it will help you actually finding a way you can contribute to free open source software in other ways than you did with Ubuntu.
On m’avait suggéré d’utiliser Google Maps et le matériel qu’on m’avait donné consistait en quelques captures d’écran de parcours générés via MapMyRun.com. J’ai décidé de tenter de remplacer cette approche par l’utilisation de données et cartes d’OpenStreetMap:
OpenStreetMap est un projet qui a pour but de constituer une base de données cartographiques libre du monde (permettant par exemple de créer des cartes sous licence libre), en utilisant le système GPS et d’autres données libres. Il a été initié en juillet 2004 par Steve Coast au University College de Londres. Par l’utilisation de moyens informatiques basés sur Internet qui permettent l’intervention et la collaboration de tout utilisateur volontaire, OpenStreetMap relève de la géomatique 2.0 et est aussi une contribution à ce qui est appelé la néogéographie, dont les outils composent le GeoWeb.
Ce choix était d’autant plus logique étant donné que j’ai moi même tracé et corrigé beaucoup d’informations parmi mes contributions à OpenStreetMap, spécifiquement dans l’arrondissement d’Outremont (incluant beaucoup de ruelles!). Le but de l’exercice était de constater en tant que conseiller en TI libres (logiciels, données, contenus, etc.) s’il était possible de faire ce choix tout en donnant autant de fonctionnalité et de qualité sur l’aspect précis des cartes que si on utilisait Google Maps. L’exercice n’est pas terminé, l’événément ayant lieu le 16 juin d’ici là il y aura certainement des ajustements, mais les premiers commentaires des visiteurs et organisateurs de l’événement sont très positifs! C’est encourageant.
Je voulais aussi saisir l’opportunité d’améliorer encore plus les données des parcs de mon arrondissement. C’est mon devoir de citoyen (pas seulement numérique!), après tout. J’espère intéresser d’autres citoyens à contribuer à OpenStreetMap, quoique le seul fait de repasser sur mes contributions m’a déjà permis d’en corriger et augmenter quelques unes. À long terme, il me semble plus durable d’investir temps et énergie à l’amélioration du bien commun que constitue OpenStreetMap – mais surtout avoir un exemple bien local de ressource web qui utilise ces données.
Étant donné les contraintes de temps (quelques heures pour faire tout le site) et comme je devais refaire au complet les cartes, captures et données dérivées, j’ai utilisé une combinaison de fichier PDF avec les captures d’écrans et codes QR, archives .zip (pour rendre disponibles les traces en format de données ouvertes GPX et KML). Le fichier PDF inclût tous les parcours avec des liens par code QR vers les cartes statique ou interactive de chaque parcours. C’est utile pour consulter en impression ou si on a un appareil mobile (téléphone, tablette), quelqu’un qui a le PDF imprimé peut quand même partager cette information sans accéder à une imprimante.
Créer le document maître pour les cartes et générer le document PDF est une autre tâche simplifié par l’utilisation de LibreOffice. J’ai failli oublier ce logiciel dans les crédits tellement je suis habitué à l’utiliser.
J’ai aussi utilisé des liens directs vers le site Show Your Journey – http://syj.renevier.net/ (SYJ). Comme le site SYJ avait déjà une interface français/anglais (et japonais!), j’ai pu faire ce choix facilement. Voici un exemple de trace de parcours de la course. Pour une prochaine itération du même site ou autre semblable, l’idéal serait d’intégrer directement le code de SYJ (libre, soit dit en passant).
Un lien banal vers la carte interactive – moins attrayant visuellement mais plus respectueux des ressources externes.La section « Courses » du site inclût un maximum de variété de données pour donner le choix d’utilisation aux coureurs avant, pendant et après la course.
L’absence de cartes embarquées à même le site n’est pas un hasard, je ne voulais pas abuser des ressources du site SYJ – mais elle serait possible et certainement plus intéressante visuellement.
Un autre aspect important de la conception de ce site était de documenter les outils employés et leurs licences pour arriver aux résultats qu’on voit. Tout comme le code source et les licences de la plupart des outils employés étaient libres, je voulais m’assurer qu’un autre informaticien pourrait rapidement reproduire, étudier, modifier et partager mon travail. Le résultat est la section Crédits, une partie que je vois rarement détaillée dans la plupart de sites web conçus à l’aide d’outils, contenus et logiciels libres.
Après tout, le défi ici ne consiste pas à concevoir ce genre de sites mais bien à ne pas dupliquer les efforts d’autres, à être plus efficaces, tout en contribuant à des projets, données et logiciels libres – sans oublier de citer nos sources. En tant que consultant en TI libres, je ne me sens pas menacé par le partage de ces informations, bien au contraire. D’une part mes clients sont rassurés car quelqu’un d’autre pourra comprendre et reprendre mon travail rapidement – et ça garde la pression sur moi pour être plus méticuleux, mieux planifier, mieux évaluer, faire moins d’erreurs. D’autre part la ligne est claire entre mon travail et celui des intégrateurs, graphistes, designers, rédacteurs, et autres: on peut collaborer, et je peux guider ou partager le travail de différentes manières, tout en tenant compte des valeurs communes aux libertés accordées par les ressources employées. Le plus difficile est souvent de briser les mauvaises habitudes et le manque d’information qui mènent à la dépendance de « solutions » informatiques non-libres.
Si le projet OpenStreetMap vous intéresse et que vous voulez y contribuer au Québec, voici quelques liens pour débuter:
I just found out about Ajenti, a system management Web UI (released as free open source software under the GPLv3 license), it may be useful to manage desktops and small server setups, as opposed to other projects like Zentyal which do a lot more.
Why is this interesting? There are tons of web interfaces out there and vendors of NAS hardware all implement a variation of this. A few years ago when I came across the Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services I decided that if I was to advocate the use of autonomous, self-hostined/managed services, I should try to Eat my own dog food whenever I could. With this in mind, I kept my eyes open for projects that would not only publish their source code under free open source licenses but also would be easy to implement at home, with consumer hardware, in typical DIY manner – just a bit shy of the current cloud this and cloud that madness.
I’ve been using OpenMediaVault for a couple of small NAS projects, and I love it. It’s based off Debian so I am in familiar territory, I wish this was part of Debian already, I prefer adding such web UIs to existing vanilla installs instead of using a dedicated/modified/derived distribution. I also like its plugins, specially the OpenVPN one, which even generates archives with files and instructions when creating a new access. But aren’t plugins much like packages, optional funcitonality which you should be able to add/remove without bvreaking the system? The main difference is when you have pluggins in such a web UI, such plugins aren’t of Debian-package quality, and introduce yet another layer of software you need to keep an eye on for updates, upgrades, security, etc. Oh, and yet another bug tracker, forum, blog, etc. to follow if you are to get involved.
I’ve always wondered why web UIs like those on OpenWRT or DD-WRT / Tomato are not part of all GNU/Linux distributions, as a separate package. A lot of commercial providers come up with their own too, it all seems like a huge duplication of effort when someone comes up with yet-another-web-ui. Having a common project or interface guidelines would make it easier to use 100% free software on such devices, while having an easy-to-use web interface.
When I researched alternative firmware to use with my DNS-323 Dlink NAS device, I came across Alt-F, yet another one! This motivated me into researching how to install a full distribution on it – eventually Debian was it. It’s very interesting that one can install Debian on several NAS-like devices or specialized hardware, but then you loose the access to a nice (though always different) web interface provided by the vendor.
In many ways it seems sysadmin work and infrastructure management can be done with 100% free software, but what good is it when you have to depend on proprietary interfaces or middleware? I think projects like OpenMediaVault and Ajenti go in the right direction.
What are your favorite Web UI implementations of every-day infrastructure administration tasks?
Consultant et conférencier en logiciels libres et GNU/Linux basé à Montréal, Québec (Canada)