Archives par mot-clé : Libre

The single most important thing you should know about Ubuntu…

… if you’re new around or if you’re introducing someone else to Ubuntu for the first time, I think a critical read is the following link:

Painfully obvious ? Rightfully so.

Many new (and old) « converts » ask questions about how to compile applications, manually install .deb packages… those should be the last one needs to do when installing applications in Ubuntu (or any Linux for that matter), at least when you want to keep the system as close as possible to regular, supported security/feature updates and upgrades as possible.

I am still a bit surprised when I get a comment like « I’ve been trying to compile/install XYZ for a few days/hours » and there almost always is a solution using packages part of the regular repositories! For those special cases when there isn’t I have a million suggestions, but compiling is far from the top of my list.

Another friendly advice, also consider asking on the Launchpad « Answers » system or showing your new converts how to do that, many times you may find things in Ubuntu are done in a slightly different way – not always obvious, most of the time easier. Don’t take my word for it 😉 Asking where or how to get help is OK too.

Last but not least, provides links to official docs, free community support and even commercial options. Chances are there is a Local Community Team in your area, know it, promote it, join it, use it!

There’s only one better thing than discovering Ubuntu, and that is knowing where its community is and how to tackle into it and even participate in it. I’ve found when new users are empowered to do this, they don’t have to depend on me at all for future support! Well, unless they want 24/7 immediate phone support, that is 😉


What’s on your laptop ?

I’ve been meaning to post a picture of my laptop’s « decoration » for a while, perhaps start another chain reaction…

I think what you put in your laptop tells a bit about who you are or what you do 🙂

So here’s my current laptop:

One more thing, I got a zebra-themed vinyl skin applied on the laptop, which protects the machine – the stickers are on that vinyl layer.

Clicking on the image will bring you to Flickr where I added some notes.

What’s on your laptop ?


Become a router port forwarding guru in 5 minutes

If you’ve ever helped someone over the phone change any router configuration, you know it’s a bit of a challenge to guide anyone through the mazes of menus and options each different router has just to enable port forwarding for any given application.

Fear not, you can now become your local neighborhood router guru, just bookmark and have it handy when someone requests you mighty knowledge. If you feel like letting anyone else in to this carefully guarded secret, do so at your own risk 🙂

Thanks for the tip, David!


Ubucon Colombia this Saturday Nov. 29

Ubucon ColombiaFollowing a long tradition, an Ubucon will be rocking Bogotá, Colombia no less! The date is this coming Saturday Nov. 29th. Save the date!

The Colombian LoCo Team has been very actively preparing for this event, they even lined up some sponsors. There will be 2 separate conference tracks and one workshop track, and the event will be streamed live. This looks to be a lot more than an informal gathering! All details are available on the website.

It’s exciting to see local business and enthusiasts getting together around Ubuntu. Make sure you file the registration form if you’re attending.