Archives par mot-clé : ElDirectorio

Ubucon Colombia this Saturday Nov. 29

Ubucon ColombiaFollowing a long tradition, an Ubucon will be rocking Bogotá, Colombia no less! The date is this coming Saturday Nov. 29th. Save the date!

The Colombian LoCo Team has been very actively preparing for this event, they even lined up some sponsors. There will be 2 separate conference tracks and one workshop track, and the event will be streamed live. This looks to be a lot more than an informal gathering! All details are available on the website.

It’s exciting to see local business and enthusiasts getting together around Ubuntu. Make sure you file the registration form if you’re attending.


Colombian Team FLISOL 2008 meeting

This weekend the Colombian LoCo Team had a meeting to get things organized for the FLISOL 2008 in Bogotá, Colombia. The FLISOL is a huge InstallFest across LatinAmerica, this year it will be on April 26th.

The minutes of the meeting are now online, thanks to Hollman Enciso and Julián Alarcón for getting this going!


Free software Colombian legislation project gets good support at first hearing

Yesterday the « Proyecto de Ley del Software Libre » was presented at the Colombian House of Representatives for a first public hearing with great success, according to this news article on their site.

This is one of many steps to get any legislation in place, so it’s an important day in Free Software history for Colombia ! This is the second time after 1992 that such legislation is attempted, and I consider this to be great news, although the general intent of this legislation is presented as letting free software co-exist with proprietary software.

I wish I could have been there, this is truly a time for changes and progress in Colombia and I am excited about all the opportunities opening there. Apparently the session was recorded and is available on video, it will be interesting to watch it and see how this project was presented.


Freedom takes the streets in Bogota, Colombia

If you are in Bogota, Colombia or know anyone interested in free culture and content production living there, this may be of interest 🙂 There will be a screening TONIGHT at 6:30PM of the BBC’s Codebreakers documentary at the Mediatorta, a public cultural space provided by the city 🙂

I am really excited that the spanish subtitling was possible after I managed to obtain a release of the original english transcript under a Creative Commons BY licence. Getting the transcript was the easy part but translating it to spanish was a huge effort by a few dedicated individuals – credit goes to Gustavo Gonzalez at Kazak for his dedication to have this completed!

See: Bogota esta empapelada and this announcement for more information.


Colombian Team rocking at FLISOL 2007

As you may have noticed, the Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre or Free/Open Source Software Latin-American Installfest is taking over the place this coming Saturday April 28th. Many people will be organizing and attending local events in Colombia.

I have been helping the Ubuntu Colombian LoCo Team becoming an official team (yes, from Montreal!) and I think it’s coming along nicely. There’s been very active discussions on the mailing list about the ethics vs. convenience of supporting and providing proprietary drivers support, different support issues, and of course… where to get Ubuntu labels and the obligatory voting to choose a logo!

Some Colombian Team members like Elkin Botero will be traveling quite a bit to talk about Ubuntu and spread some love, in fact the team will be present in 6 cities no less! Check the Colombian Team Flisol 2007 wiki page for all the details.

I wish all the participants across Latin America a good, friendly & productive day !