It just took a few minutes. Considering the massive amount of time Wikipedia saves me every day explaining technical terms and providing historical references to many projects and products I work with, it’s time and money well spent. You can only resist Jimmy Wales for so long 🙂
Archives par mot-clé : Training
Geeks for Haiti
My weekend is starting, perhaps as it is for many geeks in NorthAmerica out there.
Those of you wondering how to help Haiti relief efforts with your knowledge and time (or money) can take a look at the following projects:
- Haiti OpenStreeMap response – this blog post illustrates nicely how open & free data is helping
- Sahana Free and Open Source Disaster Management System – name says it all, this is hardly a new project. Check out the wiki and join the IRC channel. Yes, they use Launchpad.
- Telecom sans Frontières – perhaps offer to volunteer there or make a donation
- SMS donations are very easy to do – and surprisingly effective it seems
- Last but not least check your local civil emergency authorities. In Quebec province anyone can join a local database of volunteers ready to offer their time & expertise to help, on site, or from Quebec, when such requirement is deemed appropriate.
Remember there are many ways you can help in the above projects & efforts, without necessarily limiting that to money or physical presence.
Wiki cleanup, documentation, translation, or even just advertising any of the above projects in your social networks may go a long way.
Have a nice weekend!
Canonical Support Team at UDS – Day 1
Canonical’s Support Team (part of Canonical Global Support Services) is at UDS 🙂 My colleague Shang Wu and I are at UDS representing our team, those folks we work with at the Montreal office where customers from all over the world get help with Ubuntu.
« Support » includes of course going through help requests we get over the phone or via Landscape, escalating bugs and working with developers to deliver fixes for our customers (and to Ubuntu public updates), but also helping other colleagues within Canonical (a benefit for all staff), review and write technical documentation, help with training, playing with some awesome hardware I can’t quite blog about and more… including coming to UDS and raise our issues while catching up with what’s going on in the Ubuntu galaxy.
We’re extremely lucky we are at freedom to chose how and where we participate in UDS. I personally consider it to be 50% social, 50% technical. There are some obvious places where it’s easy to jump in (such as Tools for better bug triaging and diagnosis), because they are closely related to our troubleshooting process and how we approach problems. Others are not as easy to spot. Going together to a shooting range sure beats many bonding exercises I’ve attended before. You learn a thing or two about the great community folks and about your colleagues in-between shots 🙂 As a side note, I have to say although I don’t particularly understand the reason fire arms exist, this is one of those things I wanted to try. 🙂
Another interesting, unique experience is meeting our actual customers at support! You know who you are! It’s a bit crazy and it feels like it’s the Academy Awards – an expression Jono used this morning much to our enjoyment – and we’ve won a prize consisting of meeting face-to-face. I also see quite a bit of Québécois here which I am very proud of, as I am a Colombian living in Québec for 20 years now. And of course sabdfl is still very much part of UDS, not only for the obvious reasons but because you’ll actually see him busy at his keyboard and getting into many sessions giving his opinion and participating in lively discussions.
My first day at UDS started with the plenary, where Jono presented the seven tracks UDS follows, giving the opportunity to all ~300 participants to know the differents team leads and what their people do. Mark Shuttleworth also spoke about Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and how those three letters make it special in its very own way. We all have a lot of work ahead. I liked it a lot when Jono said this event consisted of one-hour chunks and we needed to make the most of every single one of those chunks. And stealing everyones’ hearts or something to that effect!
Then started the actual meat of this event. Here are the sessions and activities I was part of today:
- Ubuntu Foundations team roundtable, where I learned a bit more about services and their management
- Meeting with a few customers and gathering their goals and objectives for the week
- Catching up on all the free, open source community fun & positive gossip
- Sharing mneptok‘s hilarious and irreverent jokes
- How to Run a Good Session, Software Center Roadmap and Opportunistic Programmer plenaries
- Server usability papercuts
- Requirements for Update and Upgrade Experiences
- Landscape for Lucid
Back to back, it’s lots of talking, listening, agreeing and disagreeing, documenting, chatting, introductions, translating and catching up to do. It’s also useful to keep up with regular email. All incredibly useful & productive, if a bit intense. I tried to leave a trail of it on my micro-blogging backyard like others at
The day ended at the firing range as I mentioned before, followed by some relaxing time at the lobby and watching some TV while preparing this post. I hear we’ll have interesting visitors tomorrow, can’t wait! Until then, I can’t repeat enough – Thank You Canonical !
Taking Android screenshots from Ubuntu Jaunty
I’ve just added a detailed guide on how to take Android phone screenshots from Ubuntu Jaunty to the Ubuntu community documentation.
I kept following other guides and blogs without success until I came across this bug report about a missing udev rule for the Android devices. Ew!
I also noticed many guides indicate Eclipse + Android plugins (latest release, manually installed) are needed for this which is not the case! Dalvik Debug Monitor (ddms) works just fine without any other third-party, manually installed apps. This is what it should look like once it « sees » your phone:
It’s weird that taking screenshots isn’t easier, as this effectively prevents documenting and illustrating many interesting features. I hope the guide makes it easier for anyone to share their findings in using their Android devices. This should also help prepare training or support material, hint, hint 🙂
The above screenshot shows missed calls, USB connectivity status, Change Settings shortcut in notifications, TwitDroid pending dents (despite the name, it supports which is what I use it for), Wifi connectivity status, Vibration mode, cell phone signal, battery status, alarm enabled and the current time, all in the status bar.
I also have a few widgets on the desktop (if that’s what it’s called…), otherwise I am using the default launcher and configuration.
Unless something specifically involves Ubuntu, I’ll mostly be posting only to Planet Android, which I recently joined. See you there (or here).
Formation sur les wikis chez Koumbit
Anne Goldemberg donne sa formation sur les wikis à la Fourmilière de Koumbit… visiblement on a sous-estimé le nombre de participants! C’est un bon problème à gérer, bravo à Koumbit pour l’organisation de ces formations.
J’y suis avec un client dans le domaine de la production vidéo (mon frère!) pour un petit projet d’implantation wiki. Drôle de journée!