Archives de catégorie : Communautaire

Ubucon San Salvador on Saturday Sept. 6th! Save the date!

I am thrilled to announce El Salvador Ubuntu LoCo Team will be hosting an Ubucon El Salvador next Saturday September 6th!

El Salvador LoCo team logo

I’ll be spending next week in San Salvador and I thought it would be nice to meet some Ubunteros there. I wrote to their mailing list, one thing led to another and *boom* ! Having presented at Ubucons in Seville, New York City and San Francisco before I am really happy to add one to my list ! I am trying to think of any sentence in this post I wouldn’t end with an exclamation mark but I can’t !!!

A few emails and IRC chats were enough to settle on having a round table to discuss Ubuntu’s place in free software, Celvin Rivas will also be presenting about the state of Ubuntu in El Salvador. If there’s enough people interested there’s discussion about having some workshops – gotta love last minute things 🙂

From « Running an Ubucon« :

An Ubucon is a community driven, community organised event that is all about Ubuntu. These events often include a number of speakers, BOF sessions, demos, social events and more, and they are excellent ways to grow the Ubuntu community in your area, and to build an interesting and fun event. Ubucons are different to large Linux expos and conferences in that they are uniquely community focused and driven, and uniquely Ubuntu.


Ubuntu 8.04 release party in Montreal

This is an invitation to all who will be in or around Montreal, QC, Canada next April 24th. Full party info and details at:

We’ll be partying real hard at St-Sulpice bar and I hear other parties are organizing in Quebec province.

I’d also like to challenge other party organizers, do you think you can have the biggest party out there ? Last time we had close to 200 people in Montreal, this time we are a bit better organized. One specific thing that has helped us a lot is inviting people IN ADVANCE and PERSONALLY 🙂 We welcome all to copy and improve our french and english invitation.

We are also using a Facebook event for RSVPs, local mailing lists and contacting media. We’ve lined up a few sponsors too for swag (and more). Any further ideas ?



Prrésentation mensuelles FACIL: Sécurité des applictions en lign

Nicolas nous rappelle que jeudi prochain (21 juin) il y a une présentation organisée par FACIL au CRIM. Damien Seguy va nous sortir de notre petit nid douillet en nous parlant de La Sécurité des applications en ligne.

J’ai rencontré Damien à plusieurs reprises et je dois dire que je regrette beaucoup de ne pas pouvoir aller à sa présentation, alors ne manquez pas de lui dire bonjour de ma part si vous y allez suite à votre lecture de ce billet 😉