Archives par mot-clé : Development

Ubuntu 7.10 release party in Montreal – Rencontre de lancement d’Ubuntu 7.10

(version en français aussi disponible ici).

The Ubuntu-QC team would like to invite all those who have been eagerly awaiting the release of Ubuntu 7.10 « The Gutsy Gibbon » to join their fellow Ubuntu enthusiasts on October 18th at 1800h at Bar St.-Sulpice on Rue St-Denis in Montreal. Welcome the latest release of your favorite distro with your fellow travellers on the path to software freedom!

This event is open to users of any OS, distribution, or language. New users will have the opportunity to meet and speak with veterans. It’s like a free car mechanic! With beer and food!

Bar St-Sulpice offers free wifi Internet connections, so be sure to bring your laptop. There will be the chance to install Gutsy as soon as it is released. Stickers, CD’s, t-shirts, and other swag will also be dispensed.

Beer. Food. A geek to upgrade your laptop for you. Ubuswag. The only thing missing is YOU!

The St-Sulpice bar is located at 1680, Saint-Denis, Montreal, QC H2X 3K6 Telephone: (514) 844-9458

Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you’ll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools. Ubuntu is an African word meaning ‘Humanity to others’, or ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’. The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.

On behalf of the Ubuntu-QC team,

Fabian Rodriguez
André Cotte

For more information:
FabianRodriguez – 514-812-5615

* Ubuntu official site: [WWW]
* Ubuntu Quebec local community team : [WWW] (mostly french)
* Ubuntu 7.10 download site : [WWW] starting October 18th, official release day
* For any formal press inquiries please contact:

En français

Ubuntu-QC invite tous ceux qui attendent avec impatience la sortie de la nouvelle version (7.10) de la célèbre distribution Linux Ubuntu à venir fraterniser, le 18 octobre prochain à partir de 18h, au Bar Le St-Sulpice, rue St-Denis à Montréal. Ces rencontres sont devenues une tradition au sein de l’univers des utilisateurs d’Ubuntu. On salue entre amis et utilisateurs l’arrivée des nouvelles versions de la distribution.

Pas besoin d’utiliser Ubuntu ou même Linux pour y participer, les curieux autant que les utilisateurs et les experts sont invités à fraterniser et à échanger. Le Bar St-Sulpice se prête bien à ce genre de rencontre puisqu’on peut également y manger.

Ubuntu est une distribution Linux basée sur Debian et destinée à proposer un système convivial et ergonomique. Son fondateur, Mark Shuttleworth, a promis qu’il restera libre et gratuit y compris pour les entreprises. Le mot Ubuntu est un mot bantou qui signifie « Je suis ce que je suis grâce à ce que nous sommes tous ». Une invitation à vous joindre à Ubuntu-QC pour cette petite soirée improvisée.

Le Bar St-Sulpice offre, grâce à Île sans fil, l’accès gratuit à Internet. Apportez donc vos portables. Vous en profiterez pour y installer la toute dernière version d’Ubuntu, Gutsy Gibbon. Des T-shirts, autocollants, et CD-ROMs d’Ubuntu 7.10 seront disponibles.

Pour l’équipe d’Ubuntu-QC

Fabian Rodriguez
André Cotte

Pour plus informations :
FabianRodriguez – 514-812-5615

Le Bar St-Sulpice est situé au 1680, rue Saint-Denis, Montréal, QC H2X 3K6 Téléphone: (514) 844-9458

* Site officiel d’Ubuntu :
* Site officiel de la communauté québécoise Ubuntu :
* Site francophone de ressources pour Ubuntu :
* Site de téléchargement de la version 7.10 d’Ubuntu : à partir du 18 octobre, jour du lancement officiel
* Pour toute demande formelle d’information ou contact de presse, adressez-vous à:


OpenMoko phone now shipping, new web site launched

As previously announced, the open phone has started shipping its developer preview model. OpenMoko has also become a division of FIC, their OEM provider, who restructured their mobile division so it became OpenMoko, a commercial entity by itself.

From Wikipedia:

OpenMoko is a project to create a smartphone platform using free software. It uses the Linux kernel, together with a graphical user environment built using the X.Org Server and the Matchbox window manager. The OpenEmbedded build framework and ipkg package system are used to create and maintain software packages.

OpenMoko was announced in 2006 by founders First International Computer (FIC). The initial hardware product supporting OpenMoko is the FIC GSM Neo1973 device.

A few links to get you started:


New Launchpad release out, news blog online

This morning I was really excited to see the Launchpad 1.1.6 milestone announcement! Launchpad is a collection of services that assist in software development. Ubuntu uses it to manage its specifications, bugs, meetings, events and other assorted things. the Launchpad HowTo describes how this is done.

Among the many details of bugs and new development in this announcement, a few are of particular interest to any Ubuntu LoCo teams using Launchpad to manage their community and keep track of participation:

  • Teams can now only join other teams with the approval of the first team’s administrator.
  • Team members can now renew their own memberships, when their membership is close to expiry if the team is set-up with an on-demand policy.
  • Answer contacts will now receive notification of new questions in their preferred languages only. – as a team administrator, visit any project’s page (like Ubuntu’s, then go to the Answers tab, and choose  » Set answers Contact » from the left menu. Previously you also received notices in English. If you don’t select a preferred language, it will automatically be set to your browser language preferences.

This last feature alone is very important for local teams that wish to have their members keep track of the help they provide to local communities in their native language. I also think it will be a good way to keep answers to common support question out of the mailing lists – sometimes a few technical questions can generate a *lot* of email traffic. An added bonus, you loco team members will get precious karma for every participation.

There were also two nice changes to improve privacy of participants in Answers and the bug trackers:

  • Email addresses inside the Answer and Bug Trackers are now obfuscatedto anonymous (not logged in) users – e.g. Google.
  • Quoted emails and standard signature lines are now stripped from emailed responses to Answer Tracker questions and also bug reports.

There are many more improvements and new features, the full announcement is in the Launchpad-users mailing list archives.

Additionally, there is now a Launchpad News blog now available at – it’s great to have another channel with regular updates and insight directly from the users and developers behind Launchpad.

Now, to make this a perfect « Launchpad fans » day, it would have been lovely to see an update about making Launchpad free and open source under the GPL or another licence… 🙂