Comment trouver la version de Debian GNU/Linux utilisée

Lorsqu’on intervient sur le système d’un client, ami ou collègue pour l’aider ou pour donner des conseils, il arrive que même la personne responsable de ce système ne sache plus exactment quelle version du système d’exploitation est utilisée.

Il est possible que cette personne ait elle-même hérité de cette responsabilité, ou bien que quelqu’un d’autre ait installé le système à sa place, lors d’un atelier ou à la demande d’un employeur, par exemple. On peut aussi vouloir vérifier la version qu’on utilise sur un système partagé.

Sur un système Debian, la commande lsb_release peut être utilisée. Si elle n’est pas installée, elle est disponible en installant le paquet lsb-release.

lsb-release: Utilitaire de rapport de version du Linux Standard Base

Le Linux Standard Base ( est un standard pour le coeur du système sur lequel des applications d’une tierce partie peuvent s’appuyer.
La commande lsb-release est un simple outil pour aider à identifier la distribution Linux utilisée et sa conformité avec le Linux Standard Base.
Cette conformité ne sera pas rapportée sauf si les métapaquets requis sont installés.
Bien qu’elle soit conçue pour être utilisée par les paquets LSB, cette commande peut aussi être utile pour distinguer une distribution Debian d’une version dérivée.

Voici un exemple de résultats avec une Debian 7:
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy)
Release: 7.0
Codename: wheezy

On peut aussi examiner le fichiers correspondants dans /etc ainsi:
$ cat /etc/debian_version

$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME= »Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy) »
NAME= »Debian GNU/Linux »
VERSION= »7.0 (wheezy) »
ANSI_COLOR= »1;31″


Debian Quebec is here :)

As many of you already know by now, Debian 7 is here!

I’ve been using Debian as my primary work environment for a few months now and Trisquel at home for the past year and a half or so. My advocacy work has changed as a result, and I stopped focusing on Ubuntu, while still recommending version 12.04 LTS that just works for many. There’s also Ubuntu Gnome (or is it Gnome Ubuntu) now, so there is still a good array of choices for those like me that like the GNOME 3 environment and find it productive. Oh, did I mention Cinnamon 1.8 was just released?


I am happy to announce that there is now a Debian Quebec group, and we just got our mailing list approved in the Debian project. This was not as fast an easy as in Ubuntu-land, and I took the time to fully document the process to get the mailing list going, in case others may want to do the same. It may all seem too slow or difficult, but every step of the way several people helped and I learned a lot. I took this as an opportunity to contribute to the project and at the same time I found that it may be hard for new GNU/Linux users to get started in Debian – or even for experienced ones like me, coming from Ubuntu.

That’s why after a few IRC messages I started working on a Welcome to Debian resource (and team) aimed at people that use other distributions and come to Debian for the first time. It’s still very new and incomplete, but it’s what I wished was around when I started dedicating serious time to this distribution a few months ago.

As luck would have it, Debian 7 was just around the corner, just a few days/weeks after Ubuntu 13.04 and Trisquel 6 were released. This called for an all-distributions Debian 7 release party (we’ll have two locations, Montreal and Quebec City). There will be workshops and presentations from 12:30 to 5:30 PM and then a happy hour with CLibre and Libre Planet. Check the Agenda du Libre if you’re in Montreal this week (or any time soon), perhaps we can cross paths.