Archives par mot-clé : Advocacy

Crash course on commercial and free Ubuntu support

I am putting together information that will be included in the official Ubuntu Certified Professional training material, and I thought it would be interesting to make my initial draft available here. Most of this information is already public, while some of it is derived from existing references, such as the Ubuntu releases lifecycles. I like to call this a crash course about support options available for Ubuntu, so if anyone reading this feels there are things that are badly missing, just comment and I’ll gladly revise it – or dig it.

Commercial Support

Canonical Global Support Services are deployed to enable 24×7 support infrastructure. Support requests are handled through telephone and the web. Canonical offers three types of production support: Desktop, Server and Thin Client/Cluster Support.

Canonical Ltd. provides various levels of commercial support for packages in the “main” component, including the Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu releases. Support can also be obtained from a growing network of companies and partners that are listed in the Canonical Marketplace at :

Free community support

A range of free support options are also available from the Ubuntu Community, including forums, IRC channels and mailing lists. The Ubuntu Local Community Teams provide multi-language community support. For more details please refer to

Support lifecycles for Ubuntu releases

Ubuntu desktop and server releases are issued every six months, providing versions including feature and security updates of all applications. Each Ubuntu release is supported and includes free security updates for at least 18 months on the desktop and server.

With the Long Term Support (LTS) version the support lifecycle is extended to three years on the desktop, and five years on the server. Ubuntu versioning is based on year and month of a specific release, ie, 7.04 is for the April 2007 release.

Note: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is considered to be the same as Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS when updated.

Detailed release announcements are posted on the ubuntu-announce mailing list at

Updates policy and stable release updates

Once an Ubuntu release has been completed and published, updates for it are only released under certain circumstances, and must follow a special procedure. Most notably, security updates are backported and feature updates are not available until the next stable release.

Stable release updates (SRU) are automatically recommended to a very large number of users, and so it is critically important to treat them with great caution. Therefore, when updates are proposed, they must be accompanied by a strong rationale and present a low risk of regressions. This includes any community-proposed updates or bugs escalated from commercial support customers.

Free security updates are included for at least 18 months on the desktop and server. With the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three years support on the desktop, and five years on the server. There is no extra fee for the LTS version, all Ubuntu editions are available on the same free terms. Upgrades to new versions of Ubuntu are also free of charge.

Ubuntu components

The Ubuntu software repository contains thousands of software packages organized into five components, on the basis of the level of support we can offer them, and whether or not they comply with our Free Software Philosophy. The components are called « main », « restricted », « universe », « multiverse » and commercial.

The standard Ubuntu installation is a subset of software available from the main and restricted components. You can install additional software using installation software such as Synaptic Package Manager or Aptitude. Other components are added by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file. See « man sources.list » for more information on editing the sources.list file.

Supported packages

There are several CD and DVD versions of Ubuntu available. All versions are basically a selection of specific packages put together on the same media for convenience. Packages that are included are organized by groups called Seeds. There are seven primary seeds:

  1. Minimal
  2. Boot
  3. Standard
  4. Desktop
  5. Ship
  6. Live
  7. and Supported

The minimal, boot, standard, desktop, and either ship or live seeds go onto our CDs and the “Supported” packages are available from the FTP site. “Supported” in this context means any needed packages that other packages depend on but can’t fit on the CD/DVD.. Seeding a package pulls all of its dependencies into the appropriate part of the archive and ensures everything needed to build that package is at least placed in “Supported”.

You can view the current seeds and the current full list of packages for them at:


Party 5

Ubuntu QC invite à un petit 5 à 9 bien informel pour se rencontrer, discuter et surtout comme prétexte pour partager une bonne bière, ou autre ce jeudi 19 avril, à l’occasion de la sortie officielle de la prochaine version d’Ubuntu Linux.

Quand: Jeudi 19 Avril, 17h à 21h
Où:Bar St-Sulpice 3ème étage, 1680, rue Saint-Denis Montréal, QC H2X 3K6 – Téléphone: (514) 844-9458

Le St-Sulpice est un point d’accès Île-sans-fil, quel heureux hasard 😉

Plusieurs employés du centre global de soutien technique de Canonical à Montréal (dont moi même) seront de la partie, nous offrirons des CD ou DVD de Feisty et des autocollants à ceux qui en voudront. Je veux préciser aussi que ce n’est pas une présence « corpo » officielle, d’ailleurs je vais devoir prendre congé (communautaire) pour y être.


The Codebreakers transcript released – help wanted for subtitles

Remember The Codebreakers: A BBC World Documentary on FOSS and Development ? Well, after many months and a few emails nicely asking for it, the Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme have sent me their original transcript for the documentary 40 minute version, licensed under a Creative Commons BY licence.

The main purpose for me was to produce subtitles in French, but there’s been interest in the Colibri list for Colombian FLOSS users to do it in spanish too, so I asked again and got the file today. It’s an easy but tedious and long job. We have to first produce an appropriate English subtitles file, then translate it – an dof course test it.

If you want to get the transcript and / or feel like helping producing an English subtitles file, please visit the subtitling project’s wiki page. Pass the word around!

Update: the links had moved, I just corrected them (as of July 12 2007)


Ubuntu BumpTop – You know you want it

So I missed DemoCamp Montreal again, though JP had invited me… 🙁 I was busy spreading some Ubuntu love elsewhere (more on that later).

It seems he found BumpTop to be really nice. I remember seeing a demo about this some time ago, not sure where (online). They’re actually implementing it and hiring to ge it done. Come on! You know you want this running on Ubuntu 🙂 Can’t we sneak someone in there ?


Asterisk Guru Wanted – Gourou Asterisk Recherch

Recu par courriel, car je suis client d’Unlimitel. Si vous appliquez n’oubliez pas d’indiquer que c’est par moi que vous avez vu l’annonce 🙂

Got this in my email today, as I am an Unlimitel customer. If you apply, don’t forget to say I am sending you 🙂

Hey Asterisk lovers!

We have an opened positions at Unlimitel that could
interest some of you:

1- VoIP Technical support (Asterisk)

Job description:

The VoIP technical support position will require the
technician to handle all trouble ticket for VoIP customers
(about 50%) and will also need to maintain the lab systems
and configuration for specific test needs (10%). He
will also assist in accounts provisioning (10%), 911 VoIP
registration reports (5%), LNP reports and 411 directory
reports (5%). And finally, the technician will monitor
and acknowledge any alarms on the operational VoIP
network (20%).

The technician needs to be agile with FreePBX/Trixbox. He
will need to have a very good understanding of IP networks
and VoIP networks. He also need to be very comfortable
with Linux OS (CentOS) and MySQL servers.

We will train the technician on maintaining our CarrierClass
telephone switch and how to maintain our Ethernet switches.

Cisco switches knowledge is a plus, but not necessary.
Billingual (english/french) technician is a plus, but not necessary.

The position will require pager duties outside normal working
hours in rotation with the other geek (me!).

We work in a very quiet environment in a rural village in
eastern Ontario (Casselman) where cost of living is much
lower than big cities.

We’ve been in business for 10 years and are one of the top
VoIP providers for IP-PBX servers in Canada with T1 links
from Quebec City to Vancouver.

I hope this description will give you a good idea of what
we’re looking for.

If one of you refer a candidate to us and we hire that
candidate, we will give you $500.00 in VoIP services free
as a token of our appreciation!

Send your resumes to

Thank you,

Stephan Monette
Unlimitel Inc.
Tel.: 1-877-464-6638, x221


Salut les utilisateurs Asterisk!

Nous avons une position d’ouverte chez Unlimitel qui pourrait vous

Technicien support technique VoIP.


Le technicien VoIP sera en charge de repondre a tous les rapports
d’incidents (50% du temps) et maintenir nos systemes dans notre
laboratoire (10%). Il devra aussi aider avec la creation des comptes
VoIP (10%), les demandes d’enregistrement 911 (10%), les rapports
LNP et 411 (10%). Finalement, il devra aussi surveiller et traiter
les alarmes sur notre réau VoIP opétionel (20%).

Le technicien doit etre habile avec les logiciels FreePBX/Trixbox.
Il devra aussi avoir une tres bonne connaissance des resaux IP et
VoIP. Il doit aussi etre comfortable avec les serveurs Linux (CentOS)
et MySQL.

Nous allons aussi entrainer le technicien sur tous nos systemes de
telephones VoIP (carrier class) et nos commutateurs (switch) ethernet.

La connaissance des switch Cisco est un plus, mais pas necessaire.
Le parler/ecrire Anglais est necessaire et le francais est un atout.

Cette position necessite aussi des quart de « pager duty » en rotation
avec l’autre « geek » (moi!).

Unlimitel est une entreprise en pleine expansion et en affaire
depuis 10 ans.

Nous travaillons dans un environnement tres calme dans un village
rurale de l’Est de l’Ontario la ou les impots et l’essence sont
10% moins chers qu’au Quebec! 🙂

La personne qui nous refere un candidat et que nous engageons ce candidat,
recevera $500 de services VoIP Unlimitel gratuitement comme cadeau
d’appreciation de notre part.

Envoyes-nous vos resume a


Stephan Monette
Unlimitel Inc.
tel.: 1-877-464-6638, x221