Here’s some candy I am enjoying in Jaunty:
Per-user language settings under System > Administration > Language support:

Cryptkeeper, (package: cryptkeeper) a tray applet to graphically manage EncFS encrypted directories:

ext4 filesystem support in the Gnome partition editor (package: gparted):

I’d love to hear about any of your favorite Jaunty candy too 🙂
I invite anyone interested in helping out organize the Honduras Ubuntu team to come and meet fellow users on the #ubuntu-hn IRC channel, next Thursday night February 19th.
When: 9PM, Tegucigalpa (UTC-6) time (click on the link to get the time in your time zone)
Anyone wanting to join can use their IRC client or the Mibbit service.
See the announcement thread at:[U-HN] Primera reunion de organizacion Ubuntu-hn
No, I haven’t moved to Honduras, just helping out there 😉
David Giard, a founding member of the Ubuntu Quebec LoCo Team, relayed these news to me this morning (via The Fridge):
NOT A FORK – as soon as I posted this I got a comment about this being a fork, well, it’s not! It’s a collection of modules and a theme, which are managed via a project in Launchpad. This is not a separate fork of Drupal! 🙂
Drupal 5.x and 6.x LoCo Suite Released
That long needed suite of tools has finally been completed.
This suite is designed for any Ubuntu Local Communities wanting to host a website. It is designed to allow any LoCo team to quickly create a website using Drupal for their team.
What this suite offers:
- An approved theme for any LoCo
- A highly customizable theme
- Launchpad OpenID integration
- -> Users don’t need to create an account on your site
- Launchpad Teams integration
- -> Can control access levels in site based on LP team memberships
- Fast and friendly support
Official project:
Release Downloads:
Drupal 5.x:
Drupal 6.x:
Drupal 7.x: in development
A Special Thanks:
This project would not be possible without all the collaboration involved.
The Ubuntu South Dakota Local Community – Michael Lustfield
The Ubuntu Quebec Local Community – David Giard
Joey Stanford
Stuart Metcalfe
It’s great to know we have some dedicated people in the Ubuntu community.
Quoting from the Gnome Do Core Team PPA page:
64-bit users! There is a bug in Launchpad’s ppa that causes 64-bit mono package builds to fail, but David was in the marines for 12 years and only learned one thing- Leave no man behind. We’ve got a package for you at
Thanks Kurt for pointing that out 🙂
Consultant et conférencier en logiciels libres et GNU/Linux basé à Montréal, Québec (Canada)