Archives par mot-clé : Planeta Ubuntu

Ubuntu now available to Dell customers in Canada and Latin America

It’s as if these news were specially written for me. I am originally from Colombia and have been living in Montreal, Canada for the past ~20 years.

Dell announced on their blog that their systems will now be available in Canada and Latin America (including Colombia initially!).

Check the original announcement on their english blog, as well as the spanish annoucement for Latin America. It’s nice to see they have a blog for hispanic customers.

In Canada, visit . Phone orders only in Latin America for now.

What a week!!!


Colombian Team FLISOL 2008 meeting

This weekend the Colombian LoCo Team had a meeting to get things organized for the FLISOL 2008 in Bogotá, Colombia. The FLISOL is a huge InstallFest across LatinAmerica, this year it will be on April 26th.

The minutes of the meeting are now online, thanks to Hollman Enciso and Julián Alarcón for getting this going!


Venezuela Launches Sale of Bolivarian Computers – and they run Ubuntu too :)

In less than 1.5 years the Venezuelan governement went from zero, creating a partnership with a Chinese company, to mass production of affordable desktop and laptop computers running free software (full specs here), with a big price difference compared to other local offerings, up to 40%! This is less than 3 years after announcing a massive move to free software in all government agencies.

I’ ve blogged before about the action in Venezuela, but this blows my mind. Well, at least as much as the Guadalinex project and their 400 000 desktops deployment.

Although they remain vague in the choice of operating systems, all the annoucements about the « Bolivarian » Computers launch do mention they will run Gnu/Linux and  » be compatible  » with Windows. Even production is local. And what capacity do they have ? 150K units a year, that’ s right 150 000 systems every year. In case you haven’t noticed, Ecuador and Cuba have recently announced free, open-source software policies to replace existing IT operations agressively. Coincidence ? I think not.

Scrolling down to the very last question in their FAQ, we can see:

De manera consecuente con la misión de alcanzar la Independencia Tecnológica de la Nación, VIT promueve el empleo del Software Libre, por lo que los equipos son entregados a solicitud del cliente con sistema operativo bajo ambiente Linux, siendo compatibles con Knoppix, Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Debian y otros.

which translates to

Followin our mission to reach Technological Independency of our Nation, VIT promotes the use of Free Software, so the systems are delivered to customers with Linux operating systems, compatible with Knoppix, Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Debian and others.

Other related resources:


A few notes about Dell and Ubuntu support

Well, it looks like it’s finally happened, you can now “Shop for Ubuntu” as Dell has put it.

Here are a few links that may help anyone interested get accurate and complete information:

In case you missed it in the list above, I have started a new thread where you can ask me questions directly or just start new discussions on related subjects. I’d rather not close comments here and handle questions there for everyone to see, let’s see what happens.

I hope this helps a bit and if you have other information I’ll be glad to edit my post.