Archives de catégorie : Conférences

Formation : Initiation aux logiciels libres et à GNU/Linux (Montréal)

Dimanche prochain (30 janvier) de 14h à 16h je vais animer un atelier-formation sur les logiciels libres, plus particulièrement GNU/Linux (Ubuntu et Trisquel), Android, ainsi que quelques applications de bureautique comme LibreOffice.

Apprenez à utiliser, modifier, dupliquer et diffuser ces logiciels complètement gratuits. Une façon intelligente d’utiliser vos outils informatiques. Venez même avec vos ordinateurs portables si le coeur vous en dit. Ces ateliers/conférences se tiendront un dimanche par mois à partir du 30 janvier 2011.

Pour inscription téléphonez au 514 872-2141
Bibliothèque du Mile End, 5434, Avenue du Parc,Montreal, QC

Signe des temps, vous pouvez confirmer votre présence sur Facebook.

Ce sera un survol rapide mais efficace, j’espère que chaque personne repartira avec des logiciels mais surtout avec une nouvelle ouverture d’esprit sur l’importance de contrôler la technologie plutôt que de se laisser contrôler par la celle-ci. Participer, plutôt que seulement consommer, c’est un choix parfois intéressant.

La Bibliothèque Mile-End a été Fondée en 1982 et est installée depuis 1992 dans la superbe ancienne église Church of the Ascension. Cette bibliothèque est rapidement devenue un endroit que je fréquente souvent avec mes enfants et ma femme chaque semaine.

Au rez-de-chaussée on y retrouve la section adultes, avec une section réservée à l’étude et aux ordinateurs portables. L’accès Internet sans-fil y est gratuit. En traversant un espace café on peut accéder aux escaliers ou à l’ascenseur (pratique pour les poussettes). Au sous-sol la section jeunesse abrite une partie réservée aux contes, des ordinateurs disponibles pour les enfants, des jeux en prêt et de confortables fauteuils où les parents peuvent rester près des petits. C’est assez intime!

Le personnel de la bibliothèque est très accueillant. En remarquant les nombreuses activités et cours qui y étaient offerts, j’ai proposé à la bibliothécaire Mme. Marie-Christine Lavallée une première activité en Octobre 2010 qui a eu un bon accueil. La salle de conférence au premier étage est spacieuse, bien équipée et confortable, idéale pour ce genre d’activités. J’ai aussi fait don de quelques livres – je me disais qu’il serait utile de proposer aux visiteurs de la bibliothèque des livres accompagnés de DVD avec les logiciels dont on parle.

J’espère avec le temps faire connaître aussi la suite bureautique LibreOffice, projet auquel je m’intéresse depuis quelques moist, pour éventuellement pouvoir proposer des formations de « traitements de textes » et non de « Microsoft Word », pourquoi pas. On verra 🙂


Conoces un Ubuntero hispano ? Do you know an Ubuntu user that speaks Spanish ?

If you know any Ubuntu users interested in getting some first-hand help with Ubuntu, in Spanish, check this post from Diego Turcios, Ubuntu Honduras team lead.

The Ubuntu Users Day will also be held in Spanish! Diego and his team invited me to host a session and I gladly accepted to host the same I will be doing in English. My deepest appreciation to Pablo Rubianes who started this initiative for the Spanish Ubuntu users.

I’ll be teaching / chatting / taking questions about how to best choose your hardware so it works with Ubuntu. It’s on January 23rd, save the date!


Canonical Support Team at UDS – Day 1

Crystal_Clear_app_os-supportCanonical’s Support Team (part of Canonical Global Support Services) is at UDS 🙂 My colleague Shang Wu and I are at UDS representing our team, those folks we work with at the Montreal office where customers from all over the world get help with Ubuntu.

« Support » includes of course going through help requests we get over the phone or via Landscape, escalating bugs and working with developers to deliver fixes for our customers (and to Ubuntu public updates), but also helping other colleagues within Canonical (a benefit for all staff), review and write technical documentation, help with training, playing with some awesome hardware I can’t quite blog about and more… including coming to UDS and raise our issues while catching up with what’s going on in the Ubuntu galaxy.

We’re extremely lucky we are at freedom to chose how and where we participate in UDS. I personally consider it to be 50% social, 50% technical. There are some obvious places where it’s easy to jump in (such as Tools for better bug triaging and diagnosis), because they are closely related to our troubleshooting process and how we approach problems. Others are not as easy to spot. Going together to a shooting range sure beats many bonding exercises I’ve attended before. You learn a thing or two about the great community folks and about your colleagues in-between shots 🙂 As a side note, I have to say although I don’t particularly understand the reason fire arms exist, this is one of those things I wanted to try. 🙂

Another interesting, unique experience is meeting our actual customers at support! You know who you are! It’s a bit crazy and it feels like it’s the Academy Awards – an expression Jono used this morning much to our enjoyment – and we’ve won a prize consisting of meeting face-to-face. I also see quite a bit of Québécois here which I am very proud of, as I am a Colombian living in Québec for 20 years now. And of course sabdfl is still very much part of UDS, not only for the obvious reasons but because you’ll actually see him busy at his keyboard and getting into many sessions giving his opinion and participating in lively discussions.

My first day at UDS started with the plenary, where Jono presented the seven tracks UDS follows, giving the opportunity to all ~300 participants to know the differents team leads and what their people do. Mark Shuttleworth also spoke about Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and how those three letters make it special in its very own way. We all have a lot of work ahead. I liked it a lot when Jono said this event consisted of one-hour chunks and we needed to make the most of every single one of those chunks. And stealing everyones’ hearts or something to that effect!

Then started the actual meat of this event. Here are the sessions and activities I was part of today:

Back to back, it’s lots of talking, listening, agreeing and disagreeing, documenting, chatting, introductions, translating and catching up to do. It’s also useful to keep up with regular email. All incredibly useful & productive, if a bit intense. I tried to leave a trail of it on my micro-blogging backyard like others at

The day ended at the firing range as I mentioned before, followed by some relaxing time at the lobby and watching some TV while preparing this post. I hear we’ll have interesting visitors tomorrow, can’t wait! Until then, I can’t repeat enough – Thank You Canonical !


Welcome to Dallas, Tejaztlán

Like many of my colleagues at Canonical and Ubuntu community members, I’ve arrived to the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Ubuntu Lucid (9.10) planning. Did you know to many Chicanos this place is not Texas, but Tejaztlán ? The word Texas comes from « Friends » or « Allies », but there’s a lot more in common with this UDS venue with Ubuntu than you’d think. Or so I’ve felt so far.


Yesterday my pre-UDS day kicked off at the Festival del Tamal that was happening right across our hotel. From Wikipedia,

« The terms Chicano and Chicana (also spelled Xicana) were originally used by, and in reference to U.S. citizens of Mexican descent. The term began to be widely used during the Chicano Movement mainly amongst Mexican Americans, especially in the movement’s peak in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The self-identify term Chicano is still of popular usage today. [1]« 

IMG_0473.resizedI initially thought « mhh Latinos… there must be food ». I knew tamales where a key component of Latin American food but I’ve never ever seen so many people lined up to get their piece of it! There must have been a few thousand people and I truly felt I was in Mejico, not in the U.S. as I typically imagine them and see them in the news. But as we cruised the venue I also noticed a lot of stands and kiosks offering help & services for landing immigrants, and NGOs of all types and origins. We felt the strange contrast of a huge happy family reunion and people struggling to just make it– while keeping a huge smile.

Going into my third year at Canonical in a few days, I still feel the same excitement and anticipation about spending a whole week (and then a bit more) having 100% one-to-one bandwidth with many of the essential individuals that are the driving force behind our favorite operating system – and freedom culture evangelization tool. After a few tamales and being immersed in this huge latino crowd I couldn’t help but see some parallels between the Chicano social liberation struggle and the Free Software movement.

IMG_0483.resizedI even got a TShirt from this nice gentleman who kindly explained to me why there was a Chicano Activist Convention a few months ago right here in Tejaztlán. They have these student groups called Mechas who meet regularly and discuss and further issues they face daily (and have for a few decades now). « Wow, » I thought to myself.. »this is kinda like our LoCo teams and Bug#1! ». Except on a very different social (and technical) scale, of course. Here, meet the Mecha of Tejaztlán group.

Aztlán, by the way, « is the legendary ancestral home of the Nahua peoples, one of the main cultural groups in Mesoamerica. « Aztec » is the Nahuatl word for « people from Aztlan. »[2].  So you can see a bit of where the Tejaztlán word came from.

He looked at me with a « where the hell have you been » face, but was nice anyways, as my Latino looks couldn’t get him through the notion I was completely ignorant of the Chicano movement to the extent I still thought yesterday it meant « any Mexican in the US » when in fact it means a lot more. I remembered how patient and welcoming we must be to every person that is new to Ubuntu and I felt welcome to further my knowledge and fix their Bug #1.

Going back to the hotel I thought I’d wear the Tshirt on my first day at UDS, if only to honor this land that welcomes us, and in a way, knows what we are up to this week. I am hoping to meet members of the Ubuntu Texas Team and perhaps they’ll help me better understand their very own ecosystem, and if I was wrong in any of my first impressions at my pre-UDS kickoff day, it wouldn’t be my first time. I love being in that position, and having the ensuing discussions, specially when they revolve about Freedom.

Oh, and if you have any Apple hardware, please know I will be nice to you anyways, I don’t hate Apple or you – buy me a beer and we can have that discussion too 🙂


Ubuntu Global Jam in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

If you’re in Montreal or nearby this weekend… you must know:


And I won’t be the only one 🙂

All details can be found on the Quebec Team Ubuntu Global Jam page.


École de technologie supérieure (
1100 rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Salles/Rooms A-1300 & A-1238


Friday Oct 2- Sunday Oct. 4 (check the Quebec Team Ubuntu Global Jam page for full schedule info)

See you there!