I love gadgets – useful gadgets. and they must be cheap. While going to download the drivers for my new PocketMouse Pro Wireless from Kensington, I came accross this little friend.
It’s too bad this product has several major flaws, according to the great expert I am 😉 (just kidding – about the expertise, not about the flaws):
– They charge for it individually
– There is no mention of what technology is used to make this « secure »
– No support for Jabber
Bonjour, voici une adresse intéressante sur une communauté WiFi en Belgique avec sensiblement la même vocation que Quebec.SansFil.Org. On y retrouve également beaucoup d’information sur la fabrication d’antennes WiFi artisanales. Continuer la lecture de R→
Just wanted to apologize for having almost disappeared from the surface of earth during the last 2 weeks… It’s just that I a the new father of a beautiful girl and she’s somwehat disrupted my perfectly organized life 😉