It’s been another unproductive evening with unreliable Internet access to other sites I had to work on so I decided to update my Feedback Form. Continuer la lecture de Feedback form update
Archives par mot-clé : English
PDF creation for free
While browsing for a legal replacement for Adobe Acrobat’s expensive PDF creation tools on Windows, I found several interesting links about this proprietary format (although its specs are public). Continuer la lecture de PDF creation for free : Use IE or Netscape 4.7+ (not 6)
Today while trying to track a package on I got this Javascript message. Continuer la lecture de : Use IE or Netscape 4.7+ (not 6)
Wired News: Wi-Fi Sails the High Seas
« Maritime radio and satellite services are pricey. And cell-phone Web connections usually fizzle out eight miles from shore. » Of course it’s getting more « affordable »… read on…
Continuer la lecture de Wired News: Wi-Fi Sails the High Seas | NZ Spammer Shutdown : Big Difference
Last week I started receiving an average of 1000 viruses every day so I had to retrain my PopFile setup. I had to wait to Friday PM so this is only today’s analysis of my email, but it’s very similar to what was happening since last Tuesday. Continuer la lecture de | NZ Spammer Shutdown : Big Difference