Archives de catégorie : GNU/Linux se refait une beaut

Le nouveau site officiel de la distribution Gnu/Linux Ubuntu est maintenant en ligne. Je vous laisse découvrir les nouveautés, mais en gros malgré qu’il y a beaucoup de changements, certains contenus ont été repris et d’autres changements seront graduellement appliqués pendant les prochaines semaines (notammente en ce qui me concerne, le support).

Les ajouts que j’ai remarqué le plus sont probablement la section « marchandise » et la refonte de « Get Ubuntu« , ainsi que les « Case studies« .

Si vous trouvez des problèmes ou des erreurs, n’hésitez pas à les raporter. N’oubliez pas de vérifier s’il n’y a pas déjà un rapport de problème existant.


Dell Linux survey down ? Try their blog.

For the past few weeks I have been setting some facts straight about the numbers and rumors about Linux & Dell in different lists, it’s not secret there’s big interest in Ubuntu being certified and/or pre-installed on Dell hardware. Today to my surprise Dell is asking for more feedback via a new survey, but it seems down 🙁 I’d suggest anyone interested to read and comment their blog entry about it.


Interface for printer setup tools to query former database is available now

The recently created Linux Foundation site has announced that an interface for printer setup tools to query the database and to find driver packages is available now.

I believe I have a pretty good « new nice stuff » radar here but this one doesn’t seem to be under Ubuntu’s belt yet. Are there any distributions supporting this soon ? Ah, I sense we’re going to be very spoiled with new hardware support and features this year in Gnu/Linux land 🙂


Have you been Ubuntu Counted ?

I usually don’t participate in this kind of project, as I find it hard to validate the numbers or statistics provided. However I still think it’s important as users we are counted somehow.

So if you haven’t done so yet, I invite you to register to the Ubuntu Counter. While you’re at it, consider also registering at the Linux Counter. If you know of any other sources for Linux user-base stats and info, I’d be glad to hear about them.

Ubuntu User


Linux Registered User #109722