Apparement les utilisateurs de WinZip doivent se procurer un correctif pour une faille de sécurité importante. On a oublié de mentionner l’alternative libre, 7-zip.
Archives mensuelles : septembre 2004
Change of category name from FLOSS to Libre
This will probably break a few things out there, but I am changing the category name for Free/Libre Open Source Software to simply « Libre » which means Free in both french and spanish. I’m doing this because I find myself wanting to write a lot more about other « libre » stuff like open standards and formats, copyright and intellectual property, and of course open house parties 🙂 FLOSS doesn’t seem to be a very friendly acronym either.
Security improvements coming up in Mozilla Firefox 1.0
A new preview release of version 1.0 of the Mozilla Firefox browser is just about to be out next week. Here’s some information about security improvements and fixes that will be included. (via Burning Edge) Continuer la lecture de Security improvements coming up in Mozilla Firefox 1.0
Rappel: Logiciels libres et principe de l’informatique libre
- Liberté d’utilisation d’un programme
- Liberté de distribution d’un programme
- Liberté d’étudier et modifier un programme
- Liberté de distribuer les modifications d’un programme
Le 27 septembre prochain, le W3Québec se constituera en premier organisme voué à la promotion des standards du Web au Québec. Continuer la lecture de Assembl