Archives par mot-clé : Tech
mozillaZine – Mozilla new releases, web site launched
There’s too many new things from Mozilla this morning so I thought you may as well go to the source…
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Linux Journal | Implementing Encrypted Home Directories
This article is a couple of months old, but I thought I’d reference it for future reading and to complement my previous comments about encrypted containers which was mainly for Windows users. Continuer la lecture de Linux Journal | Implementing Encrypted Home Directories
SmartID WiFi detector
Merci à cowboy qui nous a appris l’existence du WiFi Finder. Continuer la lecture de SmartID WiFi detector
PDF creation for free
While browsing for a legal replacement for Adobe Acrobat’s expensive PDF creation tools on Windows, I found several interesting links about this proprietary format (although its specs are public). Continuer la lecture de PDF creation for free