For those who still think I was attending class in university circa 1994, I have to make a confession. Check the Historical List of BBSes in the 819 Area Code!
Archives par mot-clé : Society
Michel Dumais sur WordPress
Comme il ne semblait rien se passer aujourd’hui, j’ai cru bon attirer l’attention sur le carnet de Michel Dumais, journaliste au Devoir et collègue au C.A. de FACIL, qui a changé son outil de carnet de Drupal à WordPress. Curieux!
Creative Commons Canadian version launched!
(via Digital Copyright Canada) – Well, I don’t want any jealous people out there but it seems Canada now has its very own version of the Creative Commons (cc-ca) licences ! Continuer la lecture de Creative Commons Canadian version launched!
MS-Word is {Not} a document exchange format
I found this interesting and detailed document while searching for good ways to explain why sending Word attachments is not good practice, in my opinion. It’s strange how my adaptation of its titles can give you a good idea of the arguments! Continuer la lecture de MS-Word is {Not} a document exchange format
Change of category name from FLOSS to Libre
This will probably break a few things out there, but I am changing the category name for Free/Libre Open Source Software to simply « Libre » which means Free in both french and spanish. I’m doing this because I find myself wanting to write a lot more about other « libre » stuff like open standards and formats, copyright and intellectual property, and of course open house parties 🙂 FLOSS doesn’t seem to be a very friendly acronym either.