I merged the contents of Quebec.Sansfil.org weblog to my own weblog under the « WiFi » category, so I will be now able to update it more often and without the whole duplicate setup I had. Other changes I made had to do with the « more » linkl now having a readable CSS output and also a new filtering drop-down box in the home page. Continuer la lecture de Update: Quebec.sansfil.org, fixed links, categories
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Oldies but goodies: useful Index Server and Internet Information Server links
A friend asked about this information, I hope it’s to move from this environment to better days 😉 « You asked for it »..: A list of useful Index/Internet Server Articles, back from 1998 Continuer la lecture de Oldies but goodies: useful Index Server and Internet Information Server links
A Frog in the Valley: Personal Security Manager (PSM)
It’s interesting that everytime I present my conference on digital security I always end up learning lots of new things from the audience. Sylvain Carle mentioned in his blog an application called the Personal Security Manager (PSM) that includes several useful tools. To do… Continuer la lecture de A Frog in the Valley: Personal Security Manager (PSM)
[Enigmail] Enigmail 0.75.0 Released
Enigmail 0.75.0 for Mozilla 1.4a has been released. There is also a bugfix version 0.74.2 for Netscape 7.02. Continuer la lecture de [Enigmail] Enigmail 0.75.0 Released
[mozdev.org] Enigmail 0.74.0 for Mozilla 1.3 released
For more information make sure you visit http://enigmail.mozdev.org Continuer la lecture de [mozdev.org] Enigmail 0.74.0 for Mozilla 1.3 released