Bon, un article qui date un peu mais qui fournit pas mal d’explications sans devenir trop technique / long. Continuer la lecture de developerWorks: Wireless | Security : Safe travels
[WINPT DEVELOPERS] Windows Privacy Tools (WinPT) 1.0rc1 released
This release is a little special.. I am managing the project on SourceForge, and Timo and Gustavo trusted me with the announcement! Lots of exciting things to come. This includes GnuPG 1.2.1 and WinPT-GUI 0.7.94 plus other tools, under a very easy Windows installer 🙂 Continuer la lecture de [WINPT DEVELOPERS] Windows Privacy Tools (WinPT) 1.0rc1 released Pretty Good Update for E-Mail Privacy
Internet users send millions of e-mail messages every day, oblivious to their lack of confidentiality. For years, a powerful and free encryption program called PGP, or Pretty Good Privacy, allowed users to keep their e-mail and other data private. But Network Associates, which bought PGP in late 1997, failed to sell upgraded versions to businesses and let the program drift into limbo from mid-2001 on, without any significant updates.
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Slashdot | Speakeasy Welcomes WiFi network sharing
Un exemple intéressant de fournisseur (ISP) qui permet l’utilisation de WiFi, si on ne viole pas leur Entente de Services actuelle. Au Québec, quels sont les fournisseurs qui ont une telle entente « WiFi friendly » ? Continuer la lecture de Slashdot | Speakeasy Welcomes WiFi network sharing
New version of WinPT+GnuPG installer released
After some pressure 🙂 Gustavo Vasconcelos has released a new version of his Windows installer for WinPT+GnuPG, officially mirrored on this site. There are now two builds, one based on and the other based on the official release of GnuPG. However they both support the current WinPT CVS version 0.7.92 Continuer la lecture de New version of WinPT+GnuPG installer released