Imagine a few hundred people gathered in a big conference were presentations go from Android on Ubuntu to Making Ubuntu family-friendly to Ubuntu One development to Mastering Unicode to project updates … well you get the point. Oh, and everyone of them is a colleague. The challenge here was to go beyond shaking as many hands as possible and trying to find out what we all had in common to best push Ubuntu forward, while looking at our best shots without losing sight on things to improve and innovate on.
Pfew! If that sounded like an intense few days, it was. I am glad I planned on sleeping very little.
Androïd on Ubuntu, one of my favorite talks.
David helping MPT, while Peter oversees it all.
Oh! Ivanka, you feel this is funny ? Wait ’til page 23. 🙂
David, Ivanka and me working hard on Ubuntu usability
The support war room – tidy as ever 🙂 Etienne and Luis sharing bandwidth.
Some sessions were so packed we’d just sit on the floor
Yes, was mentioned in quite a few presentations
A rare occasion when all our leaders and SABDFL shared the stage
Prakash, great memories from India training and watching your work days there!
Blythe!!! We love you more in Montreal 🙂
Thanks Fabio 🙂
We couldn’t take the bell from Marianna.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Matt Zimmerman!
Yes, we even had a keyboard!
Chris, thanks for signing THE book in-between songs
Ken from Landscape
Taïwan power!
Free giving it all. Recognize the background ?
Some pictures context is best left as an exercise to viewers 🙂
NO, he wasn’t mad! Quite the opposite.
Who’d have guessed David was a natural at turntables ?
Fabio rocks in Brazil, Salgado rocks in Launchpad 🙂
Etienne and me showing Leann our love. Leann rocks the support escalation bugs and QA of course.
This is what happens when you mix a discussion about biking, Linux, 3D modelling, combat helicopters and alcohol. Merci Christophe!
Fake Steve’s talk was great. But he got mad as I wouldn’t agree to give away MY blogging secrets. 🙂
SABDFL overlooking some of the role games in the lobby.
Alejandra (on the left) is the third Colombian extraordinaire Canonical hires. Great things coming up! Ivanka’s on the right.
Can you believe Polly and Rachael sat on the floor! You insensitive guys!!
Fooooood. Jono & team recharging batteries. Amazingly, they even eat.. sometimes.
Nick is always keen to practice photo-ops. So I chose the practice shot.
Free, Muharem, Luis, Stefan, Etienne, me and Prakash
As you can see I had less energy left than Christian
Ah, Adilson, I hate that you get back to Brazil and I don’t!
Hot Stuff Awards time. Etienne got one!!! From Mark no less 🙂
Cezzaine got an award too! Congrats!
Rodrigo and Pedro, switching to Spanish wasn’t always easy 🙂
Exploring Barcelona with Salgado
I hope this gives a small insight into how great this big Canonical-family meeting was.
Now UDS follows, although I won’t be attending I trust my many mates will drive this one home too.