A new angle in advocacy ?

I recently came across this post where Democarcy Player people announce they have a new page on MySpace. The new page in itslef is not what caught my attention but the fact that they clearly state this is intended to provide them with « a new outreach angle« . So perhaps they are not MySpace super fans, but hey, MySpace is a community they want to invite over.

Everytime I have been to a free / open-source event, conference, expo or else I have commented with some of the organizers or participants about the impact each of us can have in events that are absolutely not related to free / open-source software, technologies, etc.. I puzzles me that even events that are closely related to the philosophy of sustainable development, environmental-friendly initiatives, NGOs, etc. don’t have any freedom tech fighters 🙂 Yet, they’re facing many financial, legal and technical challenges everyday while trying to accomplish their missions.

Many times such events are the only place where we meet each other and reach out of our social / professional bubles and find out we have more than just a mission in common: projectors, laptops, Internet access, physical office space – need to crash somewhere in-between meetings ? Perhaps we need something like a combination of Couchsurfing, Freecycle, AgentSolo, Kyucan and PHPBeer … but faster / easier 🙂

So yeah, let’s think of new outreach angles. Virtual and non-virtual.