A continuación algunos documentos con información sobre qué actividades están programadas para festejar los 194 años de la independencia colombiana. Continuer la lecture de Festividades de la Independencia colombiana en el mundo
Archives mensuelles : juillet 2004
A Frog in the Valley: Pr
Une foule de pistes utiles pour ceux qui comme moi, se retrouvent parfois "sous les projecteurs". Continuer la lecture de A Frog in the Valley: Pr
Donate to your favorite useful Open Source project
I donate time in documentation, administration, bug reporting, development and other tasks in numerous projects. Since my move as an independent consultant a few months ago, I was hoping for the day I could also donate money. The day has come! Continuer la lecture de Donate to your favorite useful Open Source project
The biggest party is this weekend – let’s go!
Well, it may not be the biggest party but now that I got your attention, I’d like to invite everyone to come to Montreal’s celebration of Colombia’s Independence Day. Continuer la lecture de The biggest party is this weekend – let’s go!
Privacy problem with WordPress plugin adressed
About two minutes (that’s right, two minutes) after notifying this plugin‘s author about a potential security problem with the script, I had a reply and an offer to incorporate the fix. Talk about high-availability of two total strangers!