It’s interesting that everytime I present my conference on digital security I always end up learning lots of new things from the audience. Sylvain Carle mentioned in his blog an application called the Personal Security Manager (PSM) that includes several useful tools. To do… Continuer la lecture de A Frog in the Valley: Personal Security Manager (PSM)
Archives de catégorie : Logiciels Libres
[Enigmail] Enigmail 0.75.0 Released
Enigmail 0.75.0 for Mozilla 1.4a has been released. There is also a bugfix version 0.74.2 for Netscape 7.02. Continuer la lecture de [Enigmail] Enigmail 0.75.0 Released
[] Enigmail 0.74.0 for Mozilla 1.3 released
For more information make sure you visit Continuer la lecture de [] Enigmail 0.74.0 for Mozilla 1.3 released
OpenPGP courses now available
I’ve been working on this for the past few months. The OpenPGP courses are now available to everyone in French, English and Spanish. I’ll be in Cali, Colombia for a series of conferences and courses so if you’re interested while I’m there, contact me. Continuer la lecture de OpenPGP courses now available