Bonjour tout le monde, Mon nom est James Tran, et je suis en charge du department de Business Development a la compagnie « Micro-Plus, Inc. » Nous sommes dans le business de la manufacture et production de Wireless Networking Produits et USB 2.0 produits. Nous fabriquons des Routeurs, Points D’access, USB Dongle, et PC cartes pour le movement international de la Wireless Networking technologie. Continuer la lecture de Compagnie asiatique avec bureaux aux USA, cherche distributeurs
Tous les articles par MagicFab
Cover Pages: Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is being developed by the OASIS XML-Based Security Services Technical Committee (SSTC). The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is « an XML-based framework for exchanging security information. This security information is expressed in the form of assertions about subjects, where a subject is an entity (either human or computer) that has an identity in some security domain. Continuer la lecture de Cover Pages: Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
PGP Digital Timestamping Service
An interesting service for time-stamping and proof-posting email via PGP (v. 2.6.3i !), in operation since 1995! I’ve always wondered how you can prove that you did not change the clock on your computer when signing time-sensitive email. This middle-man solution is interesting, if you believe they don’t store email and if their clock is always right 🙂 Continuer la lecture de PGP Digital Timestamping Service | Se brancher
Difficile de refuser une demande de son chef de pupitre. Particulièrement lorsquil sagit de parler de sans-fil et du protocole 802.11 permettant à un ordinateur de se brancher à un réseau, sans que le moindre bout de fil soit utilisé. Continuer la lecture de | Se brancher
Slashdot | New Phased-Array AP Boosts 802.11b Range
ttul writes « Vivato, a well-funded wireless startup, today came out of stealth mode to announce its « WiFi » switch product, a super high performance 802.11b access point that uses an array of hundreds of antennas to provide wide-area coverage to standard 802.11b clients. Continuer la lecture de Slashdot | New Phased-Array AP Boosts 802.11b Range