Tous les articles par MagicFab

Originaire de la Colombie, Fabián Rodríguez est consultant indépendant, cumulant plus de 30 ans d'expérience en tant que conseiller en technologies libres et sécurité auprès de plus de 300 clients des secteurs public et privé. Fondateur de sa première entreprise en 1987 et programmeur à ses heures, il participe activement à différents projets sociaux et technologiques de portée internationale en tant que fervent promoteur du Logiciel Libre, conférencier et formateur.

[Announce] GnuPG 1.3.1 released (development)

The more GnuPG-familiar user is encouraged try this release (and the
ones that will follow in the 1.3.x branch), and report back any
problems to [email][/email] In return, you get the latest code
with the latest features. However, it is always important to keep in
mind that [b]this is still development code[/b] – please do not use it on
anything mission-critical. Critical applications should always use
the 1.2.x stable branch. Continuer la lecture de [Announce] GnuPG 1.3.1 released (development)


Slashdot | Detecting 802.11 Discovery Apps

Joshua Wright writes « I have written a white paper on detecting 802.11 Wireless LAN Network Discovery applications. Wireless LAN discovery through the use of applications such as NetStumbler, DStumbler, Wellenreiter and others is an increasingly popular technique for network penetration. The discovery of a wireless LAN might be used for seemingly innocuous Internet access, or to be used as a « backdoor » into a network to stage an attack. Continuer la lecture de Slashdot | Detecting 802.11 Discovery Apps