Dans l’émission de ce dimanche, La Facture présentait un reportage très intéressant sur la protection des renseignements personnels contenus dans tout dossier médical au Québec. Continuer la lecture de Radio-Canada.ca / La Facture – Votre dossier m
Tous les articles par MagicFab
poEdit: a gettext catalogs editor
I found out the hard way that to contribute any translation to the projects, I had to use a « PO file editor ». In fact, pretty much any GNU application has this requirement for localization (or l10n). Continuer la lecture de poEdit: a gettext catalogs editor
Alma Whitten – making security usable
USA Today | Future of e-mail encryption uncertain
These are from spring 2002, when NAI had announced it dropped PGP. I’m slowly adding several press articles where I was named, partly to make them available more easily than from their original source. I hope this doesn’t get too boring! Continuer la lecture de USA Today | Future of e-mail encryption uncertain
USENIX 2000 – PGP in Constrained Wireless Devices
No es super-reciente pero bastante intrigante… sobre todo que un compatriota colombiano participó en éste paper! Lectura obligatoria 🙂 Continuer la lecture de USENIX 2000 – PGP in Constrained Wireless Devices