Slashdot | PhoneGaim Brings Phone Calling To IM Users

I should really be outside in the sun instead of trying to compile this. Free long distance, open-source, open standards based messaging: what else do you need today ?

It’s been some time now since I fell in the SIP soup. I even did an (amateur) presentation, to Linux geekland, no less! Scary thing to be sitting besides some Asterisk speedsters… What’s with all these non-sense acronyms ?

Internet voice communications have been around for at least a decade, when I first registered Internet phone. Now it’s getting its mainstream approval by the ways of the Robin Hoods of VoIP (Voice over IP): Jeff Pulverand Michael Robertson (of Lindows/Linspire Fame) are giving away the long-distance minutes… well, actually exchanging that for your adoption of the « new » way to talk on the phone: online!

Of course it’s (mostly) not yet encrypted so hey… it’s like you’re talking on the radio – much like sending email is like writing a postcard – in terms of privacy. Still fun…

The hype about Skype
PhoneGaim Brings Phone Calling To IM Users
Jabber, the open IM (and more) protocol